
Who's looking out for the kids ?  Specialised Family Contact Services

The Family Contact Services specialists

About Us

Axia Solutions is the Industry leader in providing premium independent family contact supervision and transport services across Australia to Child Protection Services, Foster Care Agencies and the Family Court.

Our agency specialises in contact supervision and as such, tailors the program to offer the best possible service at the most competitive price.

Our contact service provides an independent support for families resulting in a less adversarial environment and more relaxed visit, with better outcomes for children and contact visitors.

Our customers benefit by knowing our staff follow clear instructions and report any issues immediately. Observations of contact visit interactions are concisely recorded for court purposes.

Our Values

At Axia Solutions, we are committed to upholding the rights and safety of children and young people and our staff share this belief.

Axia Solutions is committed to provide quality staffing solutions to Child Protection Services across Australia.

Our Team

We have a team of permanent and casual Contact Support Workers in New South Wales and Victoria that have a range of community welfare qualifications and experience.

Axia Solutions recognises the importance of training and support to our staff. We provide induction and car seat training, monthly professional development sessions and group and individual supervision. This means the standard of staff and service delivery is high by industry standards.  Axia Solutions are accredited members of ACRI and our management staff are fully qualified in providing Car Seat and restraint training.
The Axia Solutions management team has direct Contact Support and Child Protection experience. This familiarity with the industry allows us to select the most appropriate staff and manage them effectively.

Axia Solutions is a member of the Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA). 

Our specific market focus enables us to tailor our tools and structures to this specialist field.


Axia Solutions believes that all children deserve to feel safe and protected.


In the words of Ewalt (1991:214) 'The single most important characteristic of a human services industry is the quality of its personnel.'  This is never truer than in the field of Child Protection.

 Phone 1300 00 AXIA (2942)

Copyright Axia Solutions P/L (c)  2012